施工技术 2010年11月 86 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第11期 溪洛渡水电站深覆盖层土体中大型竖井开挖锚固技术 施召云,刘雪峰,武晓杰2 (1.二滩水电开发有限责任公司,四川成都610051;2.中国水利水电第六工程局有限公司,辽宁丹东118002) [摘要]土层错杆在我国深基坑支挡、边坡加固、滑坡整治、水池抗浮、挡墙错固和结构抗倾覆等工程中应用广泛. 自进式错杆是一种新型错杆,集钻孔、错杆安装、注浆、锚固为一体,主要用于断层破碎带岩体的支护.以溪洛渡水 电站左右岸出线竖井上段覆盖层段开挖施工为依托,对不同地质条件下的土体锚固技术进行论证及施工实践验 证,将岩石错固技术融人复杂地质情况下的土体加固施工,改变了传统的土体加固技术,在钻孔机具的选择、钻孔 技术研究以及相关加固技术的综合运用上进行了初步探索,取得了一定的技术成果. [关键词]溪洛渡水电站;深覆盖层;大型竖井;错周技术 [中图分类号]TV741;TV866 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)11-0086-04 Anchor Technology of Large Shaft Excavation with Deep Overburden Soil in Xiluodu Hydropower Station Shi Zhaoyun' Liu Xuefeng' Wu Xiaojie2 (1.Ertan Hydropocer Development Company Lid.Chengdu Sichuan 610051 China; 2.China Sinohydro Engineering Bureau 6 Co.Lid.Dandong Liaoning 118002 China) Abstract:Soil anchor is widely used in deep foundation supporting and retaining slope reinforcement landslide remediation pools'anti-floating anchored retaining wall and structures'anti-overturning etc in our country.Self-boring anchor is a new-type anchor which has the functions of drilling installation grouting and anchoring simultaneously.It is mainly used to support the rock in fault fracture zone. According to the upper overburden layer excavation of left and right bank outlet shaft in Xiluodu hydropower station by proving and practicing the soils'anchor technology under different geological conditions rock anchor technology is integrated into soil reinforcement construction under plex geological conditions.This techno...