施工技术 2011年1月 70 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第1期 潮汕机场航站楼钢屋盖整体提升技术 曾令权,郭正兴,罗斌,赵雨,胡明坡 (东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096) [摘要]潮汕机场焊接球节点钢网架屋盖采用地面拼装,分单元液压整体提升和高空补装的施工技术,该技术具有 提升设备简单、地面拼装高效、安全性能好等优点.从提升过程分析、提升预埋件设计、提升吊点设计、提升过程结 构承载力验算、同步提升控制措施等方面介绍了潮汕机场整体提升方案和据升设计,可有效安全地指导该机场钢 屋盖施工成型,并在此基础上探讨了大跨度钢结构整体提升施工需考虑的问题. [关键词]钢屋盖;整体提升;液压同步 【中图分类号]TU758[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)01-0070-03 Integral Lifting Technology of Steel Roof in Chaoshan Airport Terminal Zeng Lingquan Guo Zhengxing Luo Bin Zhao Yu Hu Mingpo College of Civil Engineering Southeast Unisersity Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China) Abstract:In construction of the steel roof in Chaoshan Airport engineers adopt the construction technology of ground assembling integral lifting each unit with hydraulic equipment retrofitting at high altitude which has the merits of simple construction instrument assembling on the ground high efficiency and safety.The design of integral lifting program of Chaoshan Airport is introduced including analysis of lifting process design of embedded parts for lifting design of lifting shelf checking of structure capacity control measures of synchronizing lifting which can guide the construction of this project effectively and safely.And the problems involved in the integral lifting process of large-span steel structure are discussed. Key words:steel roof;integral lifting;hydraulic synchronization 1工程概况 潮汕机场位于广东省揭阳市,航站楼屋顶为空 间多曲面焊接球网架结构,正放四角锥形式,沿中轴 线方向长约315m 垂直于中轴线方向宽约280m 其 中在航站楼东南端人口处有约20m的室外悬挑屋 顶(见图1).在指廊和航站楼的主体连接处,设置 1道...
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