2016年11月上 施工技术 第45卷第21期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 61 D0I:10.7672/5gj52016210061 澳门美高梅路酒店H形截面杆件单层网壳 设计建造关键技术 谢向阳,陈果,殷磊 (中国建筑工程(澳门)有限公司,澳门999078) [摘要]澳门美高梅路酒店中庭采光天幕,采用三峰两谷的不对称多曲面网壳构型,以焊接型钢作为基本杆 件.为满足天幕承载力要求及预设基座抗力条件、解决H形截面杆件的空间不规则连接形式所带来的问题,设计 阶段采用了释放双向水平约束的铰接支座、双层空心六棱柱节点等较为特殊的结构方式.为保证加工安装精度, 采用了编程建模、三维拟合预拼装等方法;施工阶段采取了轻型点式胎架等技术措施,以解决吊装场地、设备的条 件限制,在卸载阶段进行了3种方案的有限元模拟分析和比选. [关键词]钢结构;网壳;屋面:滑动支座:设计;施工 [中图分类号]TU758 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0061-05 Key Technology in Design and Construction of Single-layer Reticulated Shell of H-section Units in MGM Resorts Development LCC.Macau Xie Xiangyang Chen Guo Yin Lei China Construction Engineering(Macau)Co.Iad.Macau 999078 China) Abstract:The spectacle roof of the MGM Resorts Development LCC.Macau is a single-layer reticulated shell structure which is mostly consisted of welded-H-section members and has asymmetric special surface with three peaks and two valleys.Some special countermeasures such as supports with both release of the horizontal constraints and hexagonal prism joints are adopted in design phase to meet the load bearing requirements preset pedestal resistance conditions and the plex mode due to spatially irregular connecting of H-section members.In fabrication and erection stages three-dimensional modeling technology and pre-assembly method are used for the assurance of the rigorous accuracy requirement;in the erection stage a new-style supporting system of point-style scaffold is created to meet the limited both site and...