施工技术 2012年1月下 50 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第357期 狭窄场地超深基坑综合支护技术 范龙尧,谢惠庆2,康清泉2,黎泽萍2,卢德强2 (1.成都建筑工程集团总公司,四川成都610031;2.成都市第四建筑工程公司,四川成都610031) [摘要]本着安全、经济的原则,某工程狭窄场地超深基坑支护在国内首次采用挖孔支护桩加预应力铺索、土钉墙 加喷锚支护、钢内支撑支护的复合型支护体系.结合工程特点,详细介绍了各种支护方式的施工工艺及施工要点. 工程实践表明,通过该复合型支护技术的应用,确保了工程质量和工期,并有效降低了工程造价,取得了较好的支 护效果. [关键词]地下工程;深基坑;支护;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)02-0050-03 Integrated Supporting Technology for Some Ultra-deep Foundation Excavation in Narrow Site Fan Longyao' Xie Huiqing? Kang Qingquan? Li Zeping? Lu Deqiang' (1.Chengdu Construction Engineering Group Co.Chengdu Sichuan 610031 China; 2.Chengdu Fourth Construction Engineering Co.Chengdu Sichuan 610031 China) Abstract:Based on the principle of safe and economic the integrated supporting technology is adopted in a deep foundation excavation in narrow site including digging piles prestressed anchor cables soil nailing wall and anchor bolts as well as steel inner supporting.According to the project characteristics construction technology and attentions of every supporting mode are introduced.The construction practice shows that the construction period and quality are ensured the construction cost is saved and the effect of integrated foundation excavation support is good. Key words:underground;deep foundation excavation;supports;construction 1工程概况 基坑平面如图1所示. 本工程位于成都市红星路三段与东锦江街交 成都建校房屋开发公司 汇处,建筑面积94202m2.其中地下15231m2 地上 底框7层 78965m2.地下共计4层(第4层含局部夹层),基 地铁3号线站地铁2号线站施工区域 坑深度-25.3~-27.5m(主楼筏板底).地上39 施工区域 基坑边线 住宅高 17.52m 层...
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