2015年4月上 施工技术 第44卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 29 D0I:10.7672/5j52015070029 现浇地下工程多孔箱形结构模板支架选型与应用 李文昌,徐洪华 (中交四航局一公司澳大隧道项目部,广东珠海519031) [摘要]澳大隧道主体结构工程具有工期紧、箱孔多、断面尺寸大且渐变等特点,针对这些特点,项目部在模板支架 选型上也采取了多元化.根据常用的多种地下工程箱形结构模板支架(满堂支架支撑木模、轻型单侧支架配承插 型盘扣式钢管支架支撑模板、台车模板)在本工程中的实践应用进行了归纳比较,并总结了各模板支架的优缺点及 其经济性、可操作性和工效性等. [关键词]地下工程;隧道工程;模板;支架;应用 「中图分类号1TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)07-0029-04 Selection and Application of the Cast-in-situ Porous Box-shaped Structure Supports for Underground Works Li Wenchang Xu Honghua (The First Engineering Company of CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co. Lid.University of Macau Seabed Tunnel Project Management Zhuhai Guangdong 519031 China) Abstract:The main structural works of the university of Macau seabed tunnel project had taken a diversified approach in selection of the box-shaped supports which had a tight schedule too much box holes large size and gradient sections etc.This paper pared the practical applications of the variety of the mon box-shaped supports for the underground work in this project including full scaffold light single support bined with socket plate type steel pipe scaffold and trolley formwork and meanwhile summarized advantages and disadvantages of the various box-shaped supports economy efficiency and operability. Key words:underground;tunnels;formwork;supports;application 地下工程结构由于侧墙与围护结构之间设有一管形式,箱孔由右至左依次为:行车隧道孔行 外防水层,为满足结构防水要求,侧墙模板通常不 车隧道孔管线廊道人行隧道孔(两孔一管段无 允许采用对拉螺杆固定.无拉杆施工对墙体模板 此孔),宽度为31.4~34.4m 结构标准净高6.8m 提出了更高要求,施工中常采...