施工技术 2010年2月 74 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第2期 现浇鱼腹式箱梁钢木组合模板施工技术 方兴 (中建三局工程总承包公司,湖北武汉430070) [摘要]鱼腹式结构凭借造型优美的特点被广泛应用于桥梁设计中.以长沙市市政桥梁工程为例,闹述鱼腹式箱 梁结构钢木组合模板体系关键技术,包括平台施工、钢塔架设计与安装、底模铺设、箱梁钢筋绑扎、内模制作与安 装、预应力施工等.结果表明,现浇鱼腹式箱梁钢木组合模板可满足桥梁外形要求,节约施工成本,取得良好的经 济效益和社会效益. [关键词]桥梁工程;模板工程;鱼腹式箱梁;钢木组合模板 [中图分类号]U445 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)02-0074-02 Construction Technology of Cast-in-place Fish-bellied Box Girder with Steel-wood Composite Formwork Fang Xing General Contraction Company of CCTEB Wuhan Hubei 430070 China) Abstract:The fish-bellied structure with graceful sculpt is widely applied in bridge design.Taking some municipal bridges in Changsha as examples key construction technologies of cast-in-place fish-bellied box girder with steel-wood posite formwork are outlined including platform construction design and installation of steel tower laying of bottom formwork manufacture and installation of internal formwork as well as prestresed construction and so on.The results show that bridge shape can be demanded by adopting cast-in-place fish-bellied box girder with steel-wood posite formwork thus construction cost is saved which can gain good economic and social benefits. Key words:bridge engineering;formwork engineering;fish-bellied box girder;steel-wood posite formwork 随着国内城市基础设施建设的不断推进,大量结木组合模板体系的施工.施工工艺流程:地基处理→ 构新颖、造型美观的城市高架桥不断涌现.鱼腹式箱支架搭设→钢胎架设计→钢胎架安装→底模铺设→箱 梁桥以线条流畅、美观大方等特点,备受设计者青.梁钢筋绑扎→预应力筋安装→箱梁内模安装→混凝土 但由于结构设计复杂、施工难度大,因此向施工企业提浇筑→混凝土养护→预应力张拉、压浆及封错. 出了很高的要求. 2.2关键技术 1工程概况 2.2...
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