施工技术 2010年7月 90 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第7期 玻化微珠整体式保温隔热建筑构造与施工 代学灵,李珠,魏增宝 (大原理工大学建筑与土木工程学院,山西大原030024) 【摘要]通过使用高性能的保温材料以及运用独特的保温构造和施工工艺,用承重型玻化微珠保温混凝土和玻化 微珠保温砂浆替代传统混凝土和抹灰砂浆,在室内空间六面形成封闭的集承重、围护、保温、装饰于一体的整体式 保温系统.主要介绍了这种保温系统地面、楼面、屋面、内墙和外墙的构造,以及施工技术. [关键词]玻化微珠保温砂浆;施工工艺;整体式保温隔热建筑;构造 [中图分类号]TU761.12[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)07-0090-03 Structure and Construction of Integrated Thermal Insulation Buildings with Glazed Hollow Beads Dai Xueling Li Zhu Wei Zengbao (College of Architecture and Ciuil Engineering Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan Shanxi 030024 China) Abstract:An integrated thermal insulation system was introduced by using high performance thermal materials particular heat preserved structure and unique construction technique.Thermal insulation glazed hollow head concrete and mortar were developed in construction envelop interior walls ceiling and floor instead of mon concrete and traditional plastering-plaster separately.Heat preservation decoration and reducing self-weight of building were all included in this new system.The authors mainly introduced structure of ground floor roof inner and outer wall and construction technology of this system. Key words:thermal insulation glazed hollow bead mortar;construction technology;integrated thermal insulation buildings;structure 1整体式保温隔热建筑及优点 2.1主要形式 整体式保温隔热建筑是指在建筑设计、施工或节 1)现浇整体式保温体系在新建现浇剪力墙结构 能改造时,借鉴传统土窑洞的整体式保温隔热原理,用 体系中,用承重型玻化微珠保温混凝土替代普通混凝 轻质、保温、环保、隔声、阻燃的承重型玻化微珠保温混 土进行墙、板等构件整体浇筑,在形成混凝土结构体系 凝土和玻化微珠保温砂浆替代传统混凝土和抹灰...