施工技术 2013年5月上 74 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第9期 D01:10.7672/8gj82013090074 线声源下小型声屏障在隔声窗中的应用* 雷一彬,晋美俊 (太原理工大学建筑与土木工程学院,山西太原030024) [摘要]结合道路交通的发展趋势及噪声特点,针对临街高层住宅的通风隔声窗问题进行研究.主要分析了在线 声源交通噪声前提下,小型隔声屏障在顶部通风凸窗上的可行性,在模拟了实际临街高层住宅噪声特点的前提下, 进行了有效的理论推导,并得出了小型声屏障在此类特定前提下的可行性、局限性和适应范围. [关键词]隔声窗;噪声;线声源;声屏障;应用 [中图分类号]TU112.59 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)09-0074-04 Application of Small Sound Barrier in Sound Insulation Window on Line Sound Source Lei Yibin Jin Meijun College of Architecture Civil Engineering Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan Shanxi 030024 China) Abstract:Considering the development trend and characteristics of road traffic noise this paper studied the ventilation and sound insulation window for street high-rise residential buildings.Specifically the feasibility of utilizing small sound barriers at the top of the ventilation bay windows was analyzed under the premise of line source traffic noise.The actual street noise characteristics of the high -rise residential buildings were simulated and effective theoretical derivation was performed.Conclusions were drawn regarding the feasibilities limitations and applications of utilizing the small sound barriers under the specified conditions. Key words:sound insulation windows;noise;line sound source;sound barrier;application 0引言 动车拥有量迅速增加,并得出结论为:日益增加的 目前,多项研究监测表明,在建筑声环境研究机动车数量带来的交通噪声污染日趋严重,已经成 的大背景下,城市交通噪声是临街高层住宅所需要 为影响城市声环境的主要问题).这种情况在我 控制的主要噪声源之一.多年来,交通噪声监测值 国的其他城市具有普遍性. 呈上升趋势. 中国环境监测总站的部分资料统计结果表明: 2000年,李本纲对北京市部分城区的交通...
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