2010年7月 施工技术 第39卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 111 超高扣件式承重钢管脚手架设计与应用 余流,杜澎泉 (中国建筑第六工程局有限公司,天津300451) [摘要]以黄河口物理模型试验厅工程为例,介绍了超高扣件式承重钢管脚手架施工方案设计、优化与相关技术. 应用该技术搭设的脚手架解决了黄河口物理模型试验厅海域厅超大跨度弦支抽空四角锥钢网架的高空安装问 题,降低了成本、缩短了工期,面且施工方便;通过对该超高扣件式钢管脚手架施工方案的设计、优化及应用发现: 非附着式脚手架的搭设,应严格控制高宽比,同时应果取合理的技术指施,以确保架体的稳定与安全. [关键词]脚手架;安装;设计;优化 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)07-0111-03 Design and Application of Super-high Supporting Steel Pipe Scaffolding with Couplers Yu Liu Du Pengquan (China Construetion Sisth Engineering Dicision Co.Ltd.Tianjin 300451 China) Abstract:The design and optimization of construction scheme and set-up technology of the super- elevation bearing steel pipe scaffolding with couplers were presented with the example of the physical model test building(PMTB)project in Yellow River Estuary.The large span steel truss strings in the sea- hall B of PMTB were erected at high altitude with the above steel pipe scaffoldings.The construction cost was reduced and construction period was shorten because construction crafts were convenient.Through design optimization and application of the above super-high supporting steel pipe scaffoldings with couplers the results show that height-width ratio should be controlled strictly and effective construction measures should be taken for non-attached steel pipe scaffolding to ensure its safety and stability. Key words:scaffold;erection;design;optimization 在大跨度空间钢结构施工中,基于结构特点和施 工工艺要求,从降低施工成本、加快施工进度的角度出 发,经常采用扣件式钢管脚手架作为承重脚手架,进行 高空安装就位.如何基于脚手...
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