2016年7月下 施工技术 第45卷第14期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 157 D0I:10.7672/8js2016140157 销棒式支架在独柱大悬臂盖梁施工中的应用 郭智刚1,英德胜2,边洋帆2 (1.上海应用技术学院轨道交通学院,上海201418;2.中铁上海工程局集团第二工程有限公司,上海200092) [摘要]以上海市嘉闵高架JMN1-2标为工程背景,介绍了销棒式支架在独柱大悬臂盖梁施工中的设计与施工,并 详细阐述了销棒式支架构造、施工工艺和设计计算.销棒式支架施工方法提高了施工安全性、缩短了施工周期并 降低了施工成本,并且避开了施工中各种不利环境造成的影响. [关键词]钢结构;销棒式支架;盖梁;设计;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU997;TU391 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2016)14-0157-03 Application of Pin Bracket in Construction of Single Column Large Cantilever Coping Guo Zhigang' Jia Desheng? Bian Yangfan2 (1.School of Railway Transportation Shanghai Institute of Technology Shanghai 201418 China; 2.The Second Civil Engineering Co.Ltd.of CREC Shanghai Group Shanghai 200092 China) Abstract:Taking Shanghai City Jiamin viaduet bidding JMN1-2 for engineering background the design and construction of pin bracket for single column large cantilever coping were introduced and the structure construction technology and design calculation of pin rod bracket were expounded in detail. The construction technology for pin bracket can improve construction safety shorten construction period and reduce construction cost.Meanwhile it can avoid the effect of environment on construction. Key words:steel structures;pin rod brackets;coping;design;construction 0引言 JMN1-2标段盖梁形式有双立柱盖梁和单立柱盖梁. 随着公路建设和城市交通建设的快速发展,公其中立柱最高为24.28m 最低为0.669m.立柱高 路桥梁和城市立交工程大量增加,新的施工工艺和 度>15m的盖梁施工时采用销棒式支架法.本文以 施工技术日趋多样化,但在独柱大悬臂盖梁施工中 长7.15m 底宽3.3m 悬臂长2.225m的Pne39盖梁 仍采用常规销棒[12和钢管支架施工方法3-.钢 为例介绍此工艺. 管支架施工总费用高,投入大,且施工安全稳定性 2销棒式支架构造 差...