施工技术 2013年3月下 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第6期 D01:10.7672/sgjs2013060052 阿布扎比南方阳光酒店项目转换梁支撑方案分析* 郭海,彭飞,程亚楠,王力尚,Haytham (中建中东有限责任公司) [摘要]近些年来,在高层建筑设计中,为满足下部大空间要求,通常低楼层设计为大柱网框架体系,上部设计剪力 墙、薄壁柱以利于室内房间布置,必将产生竖向构件的转换.在该类项目的实施中,转换层、转换梁的施工将成为 项目中一大难点,而转换层的支撑方案选择成为难点中的重中之重.本文以阿布扎比南方阳光酒店项目为例,对 转换梁支撑方案进行分析,简要介绍桥梁支架在转换层中的应用. [关键词]高层建筑;转换梁;支撑方案;分析 [中图分类号]TU755.22 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)06-0052-03 Analysis on Transfer Beam Support Method in Southern Sun Hotel in Abu Dhabi Guo Hai Peng Fei Cheng Ya'nan Wang Lishang Haytham China State Construction Engineering Corporation Middle East L.L.C. Abstract:In the recent years to meet requirement of the large bottom space frame system with large column grid for lower large space shear wall and thin-wall column for the upper room layout are usually designed during design of tall buildings.It is necessary to happen transferring of vertical elements.As for proceeding of those projects construction of transfer level and transfer beam bees the one of plicated item and choosing support method will be more important.This paper sets Southern Sun Hotel as an example makes a simple introduction on support analysis and support system of infrastructure application in transfer floor. Key words:tall buildings;transfer beams;support method;analysis 1工程概况 筋密集,转换梁的施工为本工程中的一大难点,支 南方阳光酒店为地下4层、首层、裙楼4层、塔 撑方案的选择显得尤为重要,主要的支撑方案有如 楼20层的单栋高层,标准层层高为3.6m 建筑总高下2种. 度为104.75m. 1)利用叠合梁原理将转换梁混凝土分2次 本工程结构地下4层至6层为框架柱核心筒结 浇筑 构,6~24层为剪力墙核心筒结构,其中L6层为柱、 若采用一次支模浇筑混凝土方案施工时,浇...
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