施工技术 2011年3月上 60 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第336期 陈家港电厂烟囱整体悬吊钢内筒非落地施工技术 王璨玮,王德闯 (江苏省电力建设第三工程公司,江苏镇江212003) [摘要]陈家港电厂烟肉钢内简是国内首例整体悬吊式钢内简.由于整体悬吊形式的安全质量要求高,采用了液 压同步提升方案.重点介绍了钢内简安装、吊点转换、筒体悬挂等施工工艺.通过运用有限元分析,对施工过程中 吊点和筒体的薄弱点进行验算,得出吊点的强度和刚度均满足要求.同时,根据锅内筒筒壁薄、质量大、不能 落地的特点,提出了空中转换吊点的理念,通过施工中的不断监测,顺利完成了钢内简的非落地施工. [关键词]钢内筒;整体悬吊;吊点转换;有限元分析;液压提升 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2011)05-0060-04 Un-landing Construction Technology of Entire Suspension Steel Inside Tube of Chenjiagang Power Plant Chimney Wang Liwei Wang Dechuang (Jiangsu Electrie Power Construction No.3 Engineering Company Zhenjiang Jiangsu 212003 China) Abstract:The steel inside tube of the chimney of Chenjiagang power plant is the first entire suspension steel inside tube in China.Because of the special form with high requirement of safety and quality the method of hydraulic synchronous lifting is taken.The installation of steel inside tube transferring of lifting points and tube hanging are introduced in detail.Through finite element analysis the weak points of the lifting points and tube during construction are checked and all the stiffness and strength can meet requirement.Meanwhile according to the characteristics of thin wall large weight and un-landing of steel inside tube the idea that transferring lifting points in the air is put forward.By continuously monitoring un-landing construction is pleted successfully. Key words:steel inside tube;entire suspended lifting;lifting point transferring;finite element ...