2012年5月上 施工技术 第41卷第364期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 83 一种新型扣挂系统设计 郭吉平,韩洪举 (贵州路桥集团有限公司,贵州贵阳550001) [摘要]针对目前钢管塔果大多采用全高度、等壁厚、不经济扣锚索铺固于塔顶或最多分2层设置而导致结构稳定 性较差的实际问题,以贵州木蓬特大桥(净跨为165m上承式钢筋混凝土箱形拱桥)为工程依托,类出扇形式扣挂 的概念.此系统采用钢管壁厚分层高,扣锚索分离且分多层设置,既符合力学原理又经济实用,力学概念清所;通 过降低塔架重心,从而提高结构整体稳定性.同时,为采用斜拉扣挂施工的桥梁提供更具经济竞争力的扣挂系统, 达到既保证安全又进一步降低工程成本的目的. [关键词]桥梁工程;箱形拱桥;浇筑;扇形式扣挂;塔架系统;扣错索系统;后错系统 [中图分类号]TU731;U445 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)09-0083-04 Design of a New Fastening Anchorage Cable System Guo Jiping Han Hongju Guizhou Road Bridge Group Co.Ltd.Guiyang Guizhou 550001 China) Abstract:At present most of steel tube tower adopts equal-wall thickness fastening anchorage cable in full height or at most half of height anchored on top of the tower which results in poor structure stability. In view of the current condition a new fastening anchorage cable system is put forward in Guizhou Mupeng bridge which is a deck type RC box arch bridge with net span of 165 meters.The new system is in fan shape the steel tube wall height changes by layer and the fastening anchorage cable is separate and set up by layer.The new and economic system has reasonable mechanical principal by lower gravity center of tower to improve structure overall stability. Key words:bridges;box arch bridges;casting;fan-shaped hanging;tower system;fastening anchorage cable system;after anchor system 在国家掀起第二轮西部大开发尤其要求交通断面形式,净跨径165m 净矢高30m 净矢跨比1/ 先行的今天,面对沟壑纵横的复杂地形地貌,桥隧5.5,拱轴系数m=1.988 主拱圈采用挂篮悬臂浇 建设比例逐渐增大,桥梁工程的数量和规模也越来筑,扣错索通过塔架进行扣挂施工.其挂篮为自主 越大.如何在保证...