施工技术 2013年7月下 86 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第14期 D0I:10.7672/sgj82013140086 一种新型门架模板支撑体系及其承载力分析* 王胜,张纪刚2,刘振华2 (1.青建集团股份公司,山东青岛266071;2,青岛理工大学土木工程学院,山东青岛266033) [摘要]结合高层住宅结构特点,设计了一种新型门架模板支撑体系,该新型门架为整体焊接结构,承载力高,在满 足模板支设承载力要求的前提下,取消了扫地杆和水平加固杆的设置,节约成本,缩短工期.对该门架模板支撑体 系进行了承载力试验和有限元模拟分析.根据试验和模拟分析结果,结合现行门架计算公式,推导提出了新型门 架MF1225简化计算公式,为推广该新型门架模板支撑体系提供了理论支撑. [关键词]模板;门架:支撑:承载力;分析 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)14-0086-04 A New Gantry Formwork Support System and Analysis of Its Bearing Capacity Wang Sheng' Zhang Jigang? Liu Zhenhua2 (1.Qingjian Group Co.Lad.Qingdao Shandong 266071 China;2.School of Civil Engineering Qingdao Technological Unitersity Qingdao Shandong 266033 China) Abstract:Considering the characteristics of high-rise residential structure a new gantry formwork support system was proposed in which the bottom reinforcing tube and ledger were abolished.This gantry is the whole welding structure and has high bearing capacity.Its bearing capacity tests and finite element analysis was carried out.According to the results of tests and finite element analysis and the current calculation formula this study put forward a new simple formula for MF1225.It provides theoretical support for the promotion of the new gantry formwork support system. Key words:formwork;gantry;supports;bearing capacity;analysis 1新型门架模板支撑体系构造 1.1门架MF1225 235 鉴于高层住宅平面设计较规则、标准层层高无变 化、荷载情况较简单等特点,在主体施工至标准层后, 模板等材料的周转周期,直接影响施工进度.为提高 工效、缩短工期,设计新型门架MF1225.新型门架 0261 6i21 MF1225是在《建筑施工门式钢管脚手架安全技术规 范》JGJ12...
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