施工技术 2012年6月下 54 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第367期 响水涧抽水蓄能电站下水库围堤基础 渗水处理技术 段琳,占小星,胡瑶 (武警水电第二总队五支队,江苏常州213031) [摘要]响水润抽水蓄能电站下水库围堤基础开挖后,西侧围提边坡出现两处大面积渗水现象,对围堤黏土填筑施 工质量影响很大.结合工程实际及工期要求,通过方案比选,确定采取“反滤排水、集中抽排、混凝土封堵”方案,并 详细介绍施工工序和控制要点.经过3年工程运行情况表明,该段图堤安全稳定,其处理效果满足设计要求. [关键词]水电站;水库;基础;海水处理:施工技术 [中图分类号】TU475.8:TV551.42 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2012)12-0054-03 Seepage Treatment on Border Dike Foundation of Lower Reservoir in Xiangshuijian Pumped Storage Station Duan Lin Zhan Xiaoxing Hu Yao No.5 Detachment No.2 Hydropower Force of Armed Police Changzhou Jiangs 213031 China) Abstract:The west side slope of lower reservoir in Xiangshuijian pumped storage station appeared two large scepage areas after border dike foundation of lower reservoir excavation.It has a great influence on clay filling quality of border dike.In consideration of construction condition and time requirement the method of antifiltering drainage concentrative pumping and drainage and plugging by concrete is adopted by schemes selection and the construction process and control points are introduced in detail.The operation condition shows that the border dike is safe and sable the effect of treatment meets the requirements of design. Key words hydroelectric power stations;reservoirs:foundations;seepage;construction 1工程概况 粉质黏土防渗体的反压破坏,根据设计要求,将斜 安徽响水涧抽水蓄能电站位于安徽省芜湖市坡段黏土防体的填筑厚度由2m调整为4m. 三山区峨桥镇境内,距芜湖市约45km 电站装机容2009年3月初,西侧围堤T3570一T3784段基 量1000MW(4×250MW) 为日调节纯抽水蓄能电础开挖完成后,围堤T3702一T37315.0-9.4m 站,电站由上水库、输水系统、地下厂房系统、开关和T3751...
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