2013年8月上 施工技术 第42卷第15期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 61 D0I:10.7672/8gjs2013150061 [型PC百叶板外墙装饰施工技术 赵小平,梁羽,王蕾,方家福,汪文东 (中建城市建设发展有限公司,北京100037) [摘要]天津团泊新城国际网球中心一期工程为圆形建筑,外立面主体为钢结构且为倾斜状.经过探讨、试验、对 比分析,最后选择PC百叶板的可调连接装置代替传统幕墙施工工艺.介绍了PC百叶板可调连接装置的技术特 点、适用范围、工艺原理、操作要点,详细介绍了PC百叶板幕墙的安装工艺,总结了PC百叶板可调连接装置的施工 关键技术和创新点以及主要质量控制措施.实践证明,该技术施工工艺简单,现场可操作性强,节约材料,为绿色 施工提供了技术保障. [关键词]幕墙;PC百叶板;施工技术;绿色施工 [中图分类号]TU767.5[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2013)15-0061-03 Construction of Decoration with [-shaped PC Louver Wall Zhao Xiaoping Liang Yu Wang Lei Fang Jiafu Wang Wendong (China City Construction Development Co.Ltd.Beijing 100037 China) Abstract:Phase I of Tuanbo Xincheng International Tennis Center in Tianjin is round shape its facades is inclined steel structure.Adjustable connecting system is adopted for the PC louver wall instead of tradition curtain wall after discussion tests paring and analysis.The technical features applicable range principle and operation keys of the adjustable connecting system are introduced as well as installation technology of PC louver wall.The key construction methods innovation and quality control measures of the adjustable connecting system for PC louver wall are summarized.It proves that the construction technology is simple with good operational capability and it can save materials to provide technical support for green construction. Key words:curtain walls;PC louver walls;construction;green construction 1工程概况 团泊新城国际网球中心一期工程(半决赛场) 为2013年东亚运动会网球比赛场馆,总建筑面积 16155.1m2 其中地下1层、地上2...
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