2014年8月下 施工技术 第43卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 59 D0I:10.7672/5j52014160059 型钢支撑满堂高支模脚手架安全性分析与应用* 刘睿,罗宗礼1,何夕平2,郑磊2,张运帅2 (1.中建四局第六建筑工程有限公司,贵州贵阳550000;2.安徽建筑大学土木工程学院,安徽合肥230022) [摘要]贵阳某建筑依山而建,部分倾斜段与山体不相连,倾斜跨度为36.结合具体的特殊工程,施工中采用型 钢支撑满堂高支模脚手架体系,为确保该体系的成功应用,采用理论分析、数值模拟和现场实时监测等研究方法, 分析架体和型钢的最不利受力工况,预控和实时监控架体的安全状况,得出一些有益的结论. [关键词]模板;脚手架;应力;位移;安全性;数值模拟;监测 [中图分类号]TU731.2[文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2014)16-0059-04 Safety Analysis and Application of Full High-formwork Scaffold Supported by Shaped Steel Liu Rui' Luo Zongli' He Xiping? Zheng Lei? Zhang Yunshuai (1.China Construction 4th Engineering Bureau 6th Co.Lid.Guiyang Guizhou 550000 China; 2.College of Civil Engineering Anhui Jianzhu University Hefei Anhui 230022 China) Abstract:A building in Guiyang is built along some mountain.A inclined part in the building is independent from the mountain the inclined span is 36m.This building uses full high-formwork scaffold system with shaped steel support.To ensure the successful application of the system many research methods such as the theoretical analysis numerical simulation and real-time field monitoring are used to analyze the most unfavorable stress condition of the scaffolding frame body and the shaped steel.By pre- controlling and real-time monitoring of the scaffolding frame body'safety some useful conclusions are summed up. Key words:formwork;scaffold;stress;displacement;safety;simulation;monitoring 1工程概况 贵阳花果园办公一号楼位于贵阳市彭家湾区, 单体建筑面积84875m2.工程背面顺山势而建,在 倾斜段建筑与山体不相连,倾斜跨度36m 根据设计 要求,施工过程中...
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