施工技术 2010年7月 80 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第7期 夏季热反射隔热涂料对建筑墙体的节能实效研究 郭卫琳1,卢国豪2,何超 (1.浙江建设联业技术学院,浙江杭州311321;2.中天建设集团有限公司,浙江杭州310008) [摘要]为了探讨热反射隔热涂料应用在建筑墙体的实际节能效果,通过监测两栋测试房(有、无隔热涂料外墙)夏 季的墙体温度变化,针对东、南、西三面墙体的混度数据进行了对比分析.结果表明,有隔热涂料的外墙面与无隔 热涂料的墙面相比最大降温幅度可达9~10℃,能有效减少东、南、西三面墙体导热量、降温效果极为显著.尤其是 东面墙体,无隔热涂料的累积导热量是隔热涂料的3.63倍.经简单推算,有隔热涂料的墙体在测试期间内所产生 的空调节电量为12.67kWh/(m2月).从面证明了隔热涂料对建筑墙体的节能效果十分明显. [关键词]隔热涂料;建筑节能;导热量;太阳辐射 [中图分类号]TU111.48;TU55 [文献标识码]A [文章编号】1002-8498(2010)07-0080-04 Study on Energy Saving Effect of Heat-reflective Insulation Coating on Exterior Walls of Building in Summer Guo Weilin' Lu Guohao2 He Chao' (1.Zhejiang College of Construction Hangzhou Zhejiang 311321 China; 2.Zhongtian Construction Group Co.Ltd.Hangzhou Zhejiang 310008 China) Abstract:To discuss the effect of energy saving of heat-reflective insulation coating on exterior walls of building the wall temperature of two test rooms with insulation coating or not was monitored in summer and the temperature data of east south and west walls was analyzed.The results indicated that the maximum temperature change of walls with insulation coating is about9℃tol0℃,pared with the walls without insulation coating.Moreover the heat conductivity of east south and west walls is reduced effectively and cooling effect is obvious.In particular the heat conductivity of the east wall without insulation coating is 3.63 times of that with insulation coating.By calculating the air-conditioning electricity saving in room with insu...
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