2016年8月下 施工技术 第45卷第16期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 35 D0I:10.7672/8js2016160035 夏热冬冷地区办公建筑围护结构的优化设计分析 吴越,郭兴国,熊新,史子群 (1.南大学建筑工程学院,江西南昌330031;2.南岛市建设工程质量些督站,江西南岛330008) [摘要]南品地区办公建为例,利用QUET件对不同围护结构的设计方进行了全年能耗模拟.结果表 明:采用100mm厚的外保温全年总耗电量可以节约12.4%,窗墙比由0.1增加到0.35,南、北方向全年总耗电量分 别增加1.22%,1.74%.采用双展透明破端比单展透明玻瑞全年总耗电量节汤10.16%,L0W-E单层破比单层逸 明彼璃全年总耗电量节约4.16%. [关键词]夏热冬海地区;能耗;模拟;保湿;窗墙比 [中图分类号]TU111.19*5 [交献标识码]A [交章编号]1002-8498(2016)16-0035-04 Analysis of Optimization Design of Office Building Envelope in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Area Wu Yue' Guo Xingguo' Xiong Xin2 Shi Ziqun' (1.School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Nanchang University Nanchang Jiangxi 330031 China; 2.Nanchang Quality Superrision Station of Construction Project Nanchang Jiangxi 330008 China) Abstract:Taking an office building in Nanchang as an example the total energy consumption for different envelope structures was simulated and analyzed with eQUEST software.It was concluded that: Employing the 100mm interior thermal insulation shows the best the annual air conditioner system eleetric consumption is decreased by 12.4%.Window wall ratio inereased from 0.35 to 0.1 south and north the annual electric consumption of direction will increase about 1.22%and 1.74% respectively. A saving of 10.16%in annual electric consumption is obtained by double glazing window Low-E glass more than transparent glass save 4.16%of the total power consumption. Key words:hot summer and cold winter zone;energy dissipation;simulation;insulation;a...
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