2012年2月上 施工技术 第41卷第358期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 27 夏热冬冷地区建筑节能存在的问题与研究方向 钱晓倩,朱耀台 (浙江大学建筑工程学院,浙江杭州310058) [摘要]通过分析对比夏热冬冷地区在气候条件、用能方式方面有别于北方采暖地区的特殊性,分析提炼了两地区 建筑节能模式.在此基础上,针对当前夏热冬冷地区建筑节能存在的误区与问题,提出了开展适用本地区建筑节 能的能耗模式、设计方法与应用体系等研究的思考.从而为本地区建筑节能突破现有技术瓶颈,走出技术误区并 顺利推进提供了研究方向. [关键词]绿色建筑;建筑节能;夏热冬冷地区:能耗模式;均衡设计;节能体系 [中图分类号]TU201.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)03-0027-03 Research Direction and Problems Existed in Building Energy Saving in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Climate Zones Qian Xiaoqian Zhu Yaotai College of Civil Engineering and Architecture Zhejiang University Hangzhou Zhejiang 310058 China) Abstract:By analyzing the particularity in climate condition and energy-using style in hot summer and cold winter zone pared with ones in 'northern zones the authors analyze and summarize building energy-saving modes in the two zones.Based on these modes aiming at the existing misunderstanding and problems in building energy-saving in hot summer and cold winter zones the authors put forward some research direction on energy-dissipation modes design method and the application system of building energy-saving of the local area which can break through the existing technique limitation and develop technique progress for local building energy-saving. Key words:green buildings;building energy-saving;hot summer and cold winter climate zones;energy dissipation;balance design;energy-saving system 建筑节能是国家“十二五”期间的重点课题. 夏热冬冷地区建筑节能基础研究少,尚未真正 目前我国单位建筑面积的耗能量高达气候条件相 建立适用于本地区的建筑节能技术体系.由于夏 近发达国家的3倍,既有的400多亿m...
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