2010年5月 施工技术 第39卷第5期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 41 中兴通讯上海研发中心复杂地质条件基坑支护技术 汤国强,朱大臣2,朱守东3 (1.武汉大学土木建筑工程学院,湖北武双430072;2.武汉地质粉察基工程有限公司(泸),上海200063; 3.中兴通讯股份有限公司,上海201203) [滴要]将三轴搅拌桩加插H型钢围护结构混凝土圈梁型钢支撑钢构柱结合,形成具有挡土围护止水效果 的基坑支护体系,并成功应用于复杂地质条件中兴通讯上海研发中心超大基坑工程施工.针对工程特征,介绍了 围护挡土止水结构支撑系统的设计与施工,指出土方开挖与基础主体施工间矛盾、周边深坑土方开挖、基坑东南阴 角处圈梁开裂及对撑变形问题等施工难点解决指施.结合井点降水、工程监测技术,保证了基坑正常施工. [关键词]基坑支护;三轴搅拌桩;H型钢;施工监测 [中图分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2010)05-0041-03 Foundation Excavation Support Technology of Shanghai Research and Development Center of ZTE Corporation Tang Guoqiang' Zhu Dachen2 Zhu Shoudong' (1.Civil Engineering and Architectural College Wuhan University Wuhan Hubei 430072 China; 2.Wuhan Geological Surveying and Foundation Engineering Co.Ld.Shanghai 200063 China; 3.ZTE Corporation Shanghai 201203 China) Abstract:Shanghai Research and Development Center of ZTE Corporation locates in plex geological area and the foundation excavation belongs to super large and super deep foundation.According to actual conditions support structure that pounding of triaxial mixing piles inserted with H section steel conerete ring beam section steel and steel column is adopted for retaining and water proofing. Based on project characteristics authors introduce design and construction of the support structure. Furthermore solving measures are pointed out for conflict between soil excavation and foundation construction excavation of surrounding deep foundation excavation inside angle cracks of ring beam ...