施工技术 2010年4月 52 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第4期 中外规范在模板支架安全技术方面的比较分析 谢楠1,李鸿飞2 (1.北京交通大学土木建筑工程学院,北京100044;2.北京城建二建设工程有限公司,北京100024) [摘要]近年来我国高大模板坍塌事故时有发生,国家及地方行政部门对此虽然进行了重点整治,但仍无法从根源 上杜绝.介绍了英美相关规范对模板支架在设计荷载、设计方法和施工管理等方面的规定,比较了中外规范的不 同之处,提出模板支架施工中,我国在荷载、设计以及搭设质量检查验收等方面的注意事项.指出应重视剪刀撑的 作用,充分考虑施工过程中模板支架可能承受的动力荷载,以提高模板支架的安全水准. [关键词】模板支架;中外规范;安全技术;比较分析 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A 【文章编号]1002-8498(2010)04-0052-03 Comparison and Analysis on Safety Technology of Formwork Support in Chinese and Foreign Codes Xie Nan' Li Hongfei? (1.School of Civil Engineering Beijing Jiaotong University Beijing 100044 China; 2.The Second Urban Construction Engineering Company of Beijing Beijing 100024 China) Abstract:Recently although national and local administrations have taken a lot of measures collapses of formwork often happen in China.The requirements on design loads design method and construction management of formwork in British and American codes are introduced.On the basis of parison between Chinese and foreign codes some useful revelations are obtained and suggestions on loads design and detection and acceptance for the construction of formwork in China are given.Furthermore it is pointed out that bridging should be paid more attention during construction as well as the dynamie loads of formwork support to improve the safety level. Key words:formwork support;Chinese and foreign codes;safety technology;parison and analysis 1英国规范在安全技术方面的规定 附加50%的单件重量. 英国规范指《模板支架实施规范》(Code of practice1.1.2由施工操作...
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