2014年10月上 施工技术 第43卷第19期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 17 D0I:10.7672/5j52014190017 岩溶地质旋挖灌注桩成孔工艺及其基桩 质量控制研究* 王家全,朱庆盛,刘垒雷,黄柳云 (广西科技大学土木建筑工程学院,广西柳州545006) [摘要]针对岩溶区旋挖桩施工质量问题,改进复杂岩溶地质条件下旋挖成孔灌注桩的施工工艺,并结合岩溶发育 场地的旋挖灌注桩施工实例,分析了不同旋挖成孔施工工艺下基桩质量的差异,揭示了影响岩溶地区旋挖灌注桩 成桩质量的主要因素,并提出了旋挖桩在岩溶区提高成桩质量的有效措施. [关键词]桩基础;旋挖灌注桩;岩溶地区;质量控制:施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2014)19-0017-03 Research on the Pore-forming Technology of Rotary Digging Cast-in-place Pile and Quality Control in Karst Area Wang Jiaquan Zhu Qingsheng Liu Leilei Huang Liuyun Department of Civil Engineering Guangxi University of Science and Technology Liuzhou Guangxi 545006 China) Abstract:With the existing construction quality problems of rotary digging pile in karst area this paper aims to improve the construction technology of rotary digging cast-in-place pile in plex karst geological condition and analyzes the differences quality in different pore-forming technology bined with the specific project of rotary digging cast-in-place pile construction in karst development area.This paper reveals the main factors which affect the quality of rotary digging cast-in-place pile and proposes the effective measures to improve the quality of the rotary digging pile. Key words:piles;rotary digging cast-in-place piles;karst area;quality control;construction 0引言 君基于旋挖钻机施工工艺与施工病害提出了防 我国岩溶地质分布广泛,尤其在广西、贵州等 治措施,武文等2基于某工程实例阐述了旋挖钻孔 地区较为常见.随着我国城市化进程的推进,城市灌注桩的施工工艺,张学进[3总结了旋挖钻孔灌注 建筑逐渐向高层、超高层发展,而很多高层、超高层 桩在软土地基中不同施工工艺的优缺点和适用条 建筑都坐落在岩溶地基上,一般的基础形...