施工技术 2014年12月上 44 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第43卷第23期 D01:10.7672/8gs2014230044 影响液压爬升模板爬升常见原因分析 李耀荣,刘文帅2,张静娜2 (1.中建七局第四建筑有限公司,陕西西安710018;2.多卡模板上海有限公司,上海201109) [摘要]随着国内超高层建筑的发展,液压爬升模板的使用频率也越来越高.液压爬升模板虽然其有爬升速度快 等优点,但在实际使用过程中,设备故障及使用不当等时常会影响液压爬升模板正常爬升.通过对于家堡03-22地 块工程液压爬升模板爬升过程中遇到的故障进行原因分析与总结,详细介绍了选用液压爬升模板的优点. [关键词]高层建筑;模板;液压爬升模板;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2014)23-0044-03 Analysis of Common Causes Affecting Climbing Process of Hydraulic Climbing Formwork Li Yaorong' Liu Wenshuai Zhang Jingna2 (1.The Fourth Co.Ltd.of China Construction Seventh Engineering Co.Lid.Xi'an Shaanxi 710018 China; 2.Doka Formwork Shanghai)Co. Ltd.Shanghai 201109.China) Abstract:With the development of domestic super tall buildings the usage frequency of hydraulic climbing formwork is being higher and higher.Hydraulic climbing formwork has some advantages such as quick climbing however in practical use equipment malfunction and improper operation often affect the normal climbing process.In this paper the malfunction reasons in climbing process of hydraulic climbing formwork are summarized and analyzed based on Yujiapu 03-22 building project the advantages of hydraulic climbing formwork are introduced. Key words:tall buildings;formwork hydraulic climbing formwork;construction 1工程概况 于家堡金融区起步区项目位于天津市滨海新 区于家堡金融区,总建筑面积189827m2 由1栋主 楼和1栋裙楼组成,主楼地上52层,地下3层,建筑 总高度225.9m;裙楼地上7层,地下3层.主楼为 超高层建筑,地上主体结构为现浇钢管混凝土框架- 钢筋混凝土筒体混合结构体系,平面呈长方形.核 图1主楼避难层结构布置示意 心筒为钢筋混凝土剪力墙结构,内设劲性钢柱,在 Fig.1 Layout of refuge floo...