施工技术 2016年11月上 46 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第21期 D0I:10.7672/5gj52016210046 悬挑阳台高支模架受力特性现场实测技术* 张海祥,戚国华,张欲锋 (浙江南湖建设有限公司,浙江嘉兴314001) [摘要]对某高层住宅大悬挑阳台高支模架的构造及施工作了介绍,通过对模架在混凝土浇筑过程中的荷载、变形 和振动响应的实时监测,发现了支模架立杆上的恒荷载与设计计算值较接近,而施工荷载差别较大,施工过程中的 人员与振捣荷载一般不超过1k/m2;同时发现混凝土输送泵的作业对支模架的整体稳定有一定影响,需要加以 重视. [关键词]混凝土;悬挑;高支模架;稳定性;变形 [中图分类号]TU731.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0046-03 The Site Measurement Technology for a Cantilevered Balcony with High Formwork Support Zhang Haixiang Qi Guohua Zhang Yufeng Zhejiang South Lake Construction Group Co.Lad.Jiaxing Zhejiang 314001 China) Abstract:The structure and construction of a large cantilevered balcony with high formwork support were introduced in this paper.By the site measurement for the loads deformation and shaking respond it is founded that permanent load of upright tube is similar between the designed value with the measuring one and the construction load is more difference and the vibrating load of vibrator and personnel load are not greater than 1kN/m2 and the influence of the concrete pump is fairly obvious for the stability of the formwork support as a whole and more attention could be paid to. Key words:concrete;cantilever;high formwork support;stability;deformation 1工程概况 37500 33 39 ④ 43 2800 50 4800 本工程为位于太湖湖畔某高层住宅,采用整体 波浪形作为建筑的基本形式,主要通过弧形阳台的 0200 11001300 1751 不同悬挑结构,来体现建筑物水平向及竖向的波浪 400400A400 形,其中水平向的波浪由弧形阳台沿楼面的波动形 图1悬挑阳台平面及支架立杆示意 成,最大处阳台悬挑达2640mm 最小处则无阳台. Fig.1 The plan of cantilevered balcony and 竖向每间隔3层悬挑3层,形成竖向波浪.由于阳 suppor...
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