2012年12月上 施工技术 第41卷第378期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 51 悬浇施工监控计算易发问题研究 戴晨1,申强2,张爱江3,李凯3 (1.中国永利电力对外公司,北京100011;2.北京市市政二建设工程有限责任公司,北京100037; 3.北京市市政工程研究院,北京100037) [摘要]根据成熟的实践积累,结合某主跨88m连续梁桥挂篮悬臂浇筑施工监控,初步探讨悬浇施工控制计算易发 问题,对易发间题和解决问题的方式进行明确,包括墩梁临时刚接模拟,模拟实际施工工况,成桥预拱度计算和设 置,预应力参数k μ参考取值等.根据理论分析与现场实践表明理论值与实测值基本吻合,且主桥自然合龙. [关键词]桥梁工程;连续梁桥;悬浇施工;监控;仿真 [中图分类号]TU196;U445.4 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2012)23-0051-04 Study on the Common Mistakes During Supervision Calculation for Cantilever-casting Construction Dai Chen' Shen Qiang㎡,Zhang Aijiang3 Li Kai3 (1.China International Water and Electric Corporation Beijing 100011 China; 2.Beijing No.2 Municipal Construction Engineering Co. Ltd. Beijing 100037 China; 3.Beijing Municipal Engineering Research Institute Beijing 100037 China) Abstract:Based on the experience accumulated and bined with the construction monitoring of a 88m main-span continuous girder bridge using hanging basket cantilever pouring method this paper discussed the mon problems occurred during the control calculation and proposed solutions for these problems. They include temporary rigid-connection simulation of the piles simulation of the actual construction conditions calculation and setting of the bridge pre-arch reference values for prestressed parameters k μ,etc.The theoretical analysis and field practice show that the calculation results matched the site monitoring very well and the main bridge jointed naturally. Key words:bridges;continuous girder bridges;cantilever-ca...