2012年12月上 施工技术 第41卷第378期 CONSTRUCTIONTECHNOLOGY 47 悬臂施工过程中箱梁腹板斜裂缝成因分析 刘芳平,周建庭²,宋军²,吴恒2 (1.重庆三峡学院土木工程学院,重庆404100;2.重庆交通大学土木建筑学院,重庆400074) [摘要]结合某主跨为240m的大跨径预应力混凝土连续刚构桥工程实例,在悬臂浇筑施工过程中箱梁腹板出现的 斜裂缝通过局部有限元数值模拟、裂缝成因理论、施工过程影响因素3个方面对其成因进行了分析。
结果表明,有 限元局部模拟分析没有产生裂缝,斜裂缝主要由腹板下弯束产生的径向力和腹板的横向拉应力产生,施工过程中 材料原因、环境温度、混凝土拆模过早,临时堆载超载,预应力张拉过大等因素也可能导致腹板斜裂缝产生。
针对 分析结果提出裂缝处理和预防措施。
[关键词]桥梁工程;箱梁桥;悬臂施工;裂缝;有限元分析 [中图分类号]TU756.42;U445 [文献标识码】A [文章编号】1002-8498(2012)23-0047-04 AnalysisofFormationCausesofDiagonalCracksinBoxGirder WebDuringCantileverConstruction Liu Fangping',Zhou Jianting²,Song Jun²,Wu Heng² (1. School of Civil Engineering,Chongqing Three Gorges University, Chongqing 404100, China; 2.School of Civil Engineering & Architecture,Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074,China) cast process through finite element simulation, formation causes of diagonal cracks and influencing factors in construction process analysis. In the process,a prestressed concrete continuous rigid frame bridge, which has a main span of 240 meters and is under constructing is analyzed. The results show that partial simulation of finite element analysis has no cracks. Diagonal cracks in box girder web mainly caused by radial force generated by web's bent-down tendon and web transverse tensile stress. The material reasons,ambient temperature,concrete form removal premature,temporary load overload,tendons tensile stress too large and other factors can also lead to web cracks. According the results of the analysis, the crack treatment and preventive measures were taken correspondingly. Key words;bridges;box girder bridges; cantilever construction; cracks; finite element analysis 预应力混凝土连续刚构箱梁桥结构刚度大、行行原因分析,得到了相关结论,并针对性地提出了 车平稳、变形小且外形简洁优美,是预应力混凝土裂缝修复和裂缝防治的相应措施。
桥梁的主要桥型之一,但大跨度连续刚构桥腹板开1工程概况 裂的问题在桥梁施工过程中巅频发生,且裂缝出现 重庆某正在施工的预应力混凝土连续刚构箱 原因众多,往往是结构特性、设计、施工、材料、工艺 梁桥跨径布置为(127+240+127)m,箱梁根部梁高 等综合因素作用的结果[12)。
从1号节段开始顶板厚均 本文基于工程实例,对大跨径连续刚构桥挂篮 为28cm,底板厚从跨中至根部由32cm变为150cm, 悬臂浇筑过程中腹板斜裂缝从有限元数值模拟,成腹板从跨中至根部...