施工技术 2010年10月 36 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第10期 扬州体育公园游泳跳水馆预应力双层索网结 构设计与施工 袁英战,苏浩,苏国柱,李建伟,孟书斌 (北京市建筑工程研究院,北京100039) 「摘盈]扬州体育公园游泳跳水馆履面结构采用了预应力双索网结构,该工程索网规模较大、拘造复杂,其设计 及施王均具有一定难度.要介了王程的设计及施王过程,包转结构设计和节盘深化设计结果,整体施工方 和猴应力施加方法,并出了份真计算德果和场酱测得果.最后总德了此类结构的设科和施工技术時点. [关键词]预应力双层卖网:铸钢节点:施工仿真:施工监测 [中分类]TU323.8 [文献标识]A [章编号]10028498(2010)10-0036-04 Design and Construction of Prestressed Double Cable Structure in Yangzhou Sports Park Swimming and Diving Gymnasium Yuan Yingzhan Su Hao Su Guozhu Li Jianwei Meng Shubin (Beijing Building Construction Research Institute Beijing 100039 China) Abstract:Prestressed double cable structure system is adopted in the roof structure of the Yangzhou Sports Park Swimming and Diving Gymnasium the large scale cable structure is plicate so the design and prestressing construction is a challenging job.In this paper a brief description of the design and prestressing construction process is given including the result of the structural and joint design the overall construction plan and the prestressing method.The construction simulation caleulation and site construction monitoring result are provided.Finally technical experiences on the design and construction of this kind of structure is summarized. Key words:prestressed double cable structure:cast-steel joint:construction simulation:construction monitoring 1工程概况 力由周图环梁承担,这种体系能够充分利用材料承我 州体育公国游泳跳水馆屋盖整体采用空间钢粉 力,墨降低用钢蛋,取得良好的经济技术放益.本工 架结构,屋面为刚性材科上饭覆土居.而在跳水池和 程预应力双居索网结构规模较大,构造复,目前圆内 游泳池对应豆域,分别嵌入一个单展网壳结构和一个 尚不多见...
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