施工技术 2016年11月上 120 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第21期 D0I:10.7672/sgj52016210120 斜井盾构地下可拆解结构形式研究* 徐震 (中国铁建重工集团有限公司,湖南长沙410100) [摘要]斜井盾构地下拆解受空间及地质条件等多方因素的影响,无法直接进行盾构吊装拆解.为实现盾构机在 斜井地下有限空间内安全、快速、高效拆解,必须开展盾构大型部件可拆解结构形式研究.因此,介绍了在盾构研 发设计阶段,结合盾构施工斜井工程设备要求和盾构地下拆解施工条件,将盾构部件分块设计理念植人到盾构大 型部件结构设计中,对盾构大型部件的质量、结构尺寸等关键可拆解结构参数进行分析设计. [关键词]隧道工程;盾构;斜井;拆解;结构形式;研究 [中图分类号]U445 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0120-04 Study on the Disassembly Parts Structure for Shield Machine Underground in Inclined Shaft Xu Zhen (China Railway Construction Heary Industry Co.Ld.Changsha Hu'nan 410100 China) Abstract:Shield inclined shaft underground dismantling is affected by space and geological conditions and other factors.It cannot directly carry out the dismantling of large parts.In order to realize safety rapid and efficient dismantling of shield in limit inclined shaft underground space research on large parts structure type of shield should be carried out.Therefore according to the construction of inclined shaft engineering equipment and shield underground dismantling construction conditions the design concept of the large parts block is embedded in the shield large parts structure design in the research and design phase of the shield and the weight and size of dismantling large parts structure are studied in this paper. Key words:tunnels;shielding;inclined shaft;disassembly;structural parts;study 0引言 主要关键部件,不仅结构尺寸较大,而且质量也比 对于山岭隧道或煤矿斜井工程的盾构独头掘 其他零部件大[6.直接影响盾构在隧道内的拆机 进机施工与城市地铁的盾构掘进结束后拆机条件 工作,而通常的刀盘和盾体拆除方法是破坏...
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