2015年2月下 施工技术 第44卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 77 D0I:10.7672/sjs2015040077 新型柱板式高墩施工关键技术 陈敦,田杰2,田大业2 (1.兰州交通大学土木工程学院,甘肃兰州730070;2.中铁二十局集团第三工程有限公司,重庆401121) [摘要]黄韩侯铁路线上纵目沟特大桥采用新型柱板式桥墩,该桥墩具有设计新颖、技术含量高、工艺复杂、施工难 度大等特点.针对工程施工难点,重点研究在施工过程中液压爬模、钢筋绑扎、预应力横梁施工、监测控制、墩身防 裂等关键技术,确保了工程的质量和安全. [关键词]桥梁工程:连续刚构桥;桥墩;监测;有限元分析;施工技术 [中图分类号]U445.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)04-0077-04 Key Construction Technology of the New Column-slab High Pier Chen Dun' Tian Jie2 Tian Daye2 (1.School of Civil Engineering Lanzhou Jiaotong Unirersity Lanzhou Gansu 730070 China; 2.No.3 Engineering Co.Lad.China Railway 20 Bureau Group Co.Itd.Chongging 401121 China) Abstract:The new column-slab pier is used in construction of Zongmugou bridge from Huanghanhou railway the column-slab pier has some characteristics including novel design high technical content plex process and difficult construction and so on.Based on the inherent construction difficulties this paper introduces some key construction technology including hydraulic climbing formwork reinforcement assembling construction of prestressed girder monitoring control and crack prevention of pier shaft which ensure the quality and safety of the project. Key words:bridges;continuous rigid frame bridges;piers;monitoring;finite element analysis;construction 0引言 次抛物线线形设置,立柱之间设钢筋混凝土板相互 近年来国内提出了一种新型柱板式高墩构造连接形成矩形薄壁结构,墩身25m以下板厚1m 形式,其墩柱应用薄壁板及少量横系梁联系,与其25m以上板厚0.8m.墩身在25 50 75m处各设置 他形式桥墩相比,具有较高的抗震和抗风性能. 1道高2m的系梁,墩底5m及墩顶3.5m为实体结 目前.柱板式桥墩在黄韩侯铁路纵目沟特大桥 构.墩底截面尺寸28m×19m 墩...
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