2014年11月下 施工技术 第43卷第22期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 33 D0I:10.7672/sjs2014220033 新型预制预应力钢筋桁架翼缘加劲肋 叠合板施工阶段试验研究* 管东芝1,郭正兴1,熊鑫鑫2 (1.东南大学土木工程学院,江苏南京210096;2.苏州工业园区设计研究院股份有限公司,江苏苏州215021) [摘要]在多种形式的预制叠合楼板基础上,提出一种带钢筋桁架翼缘板加劲的新型预应力叠合楼板;在施工工况 下,对其进行了跨中有支撑和无支撑两种情况的静力加载试验研究,并分析了其施工阶段的刚度.结果表明,预制 底板在有支撑和无支撑情况下均未开裂,且挠度均满足规范要求,为保证安全性,该新型预制底板短期刚度计算折 减系数为0.75. [关键词]预制混凝土;预应力混凝土:叠合板;钢筋桁架;翼缘加劲肋:试验研究 [中图分类号]TU375.2:TU378.5 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2014)22-0033-04 Experimental Analysis on the Prestressed Composite Slab with Steel Truss Flange Ribbed Panels Under Construction Condition Guan Dongzhi' Guo Zhengxing' Xiong Xinxin2 (1.Civil Engineering College Southeast University Nanjing Jiangsu 210096 China; 2.Suzhou Industrial Park Design Research Institute Co. Ltd.Suzhou Jiangsu 215021 China) Abstract:A new kind of prestressed posite slab with steel truss flange ribbed panels was developed on the basis of various existing types of precast posite slab;two static loading experiments of this slab with or without support in the mid span respectively were conducted and the stiffness under construction condition was analyzed.Results revealed that the new-type slab didn't produce any cracks no matter whether it was supported and displacements were satisfied.For ensuring safety the reduction coefficient of short-term rigidity of the precast bottom board was suggested to be 0.75. Key words:precast concrete;prestressed concrete;posite slab;steel bar truss;flange ribbed panels;experiments 近年来,随着我国大力推进“建...
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