施工技术 2012年6月下 48 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOCY 第41卷第367期 新疆察汗乌苏水电站溢洪洞工程冬期施工 及增加费编制 胡诚,程文香,邓四东 (武警水电第二总队七支队,江西鹰潭335000) 【摘要]为保证安全度汛,察汗乌苏水电站溢洪洞工程需进行冬期施工.结合工程实际,介绍了溢洪洞冬期施工时 为保证混凝土质量采取的一系列措施,如调整混凝土配合比、增大水泥用量,提高建筑材料温度,对混凝土摔合设 备、泵送设备进行保温等.并运用预算定额、成本加金两种方法编制冬期混凝土施工增加费.结果表明,在节省 成本的同时,确保了工期和质量,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益. [关键词]水电站:混凝土:冬期施工;定额 [中图分类号]TU755.69:TV521 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2012)12-0048-03 Winter Construction and Compilation of Increase Fee of Spillway Hole Project in Xinjiang Chahanwusu Hydroelectric Power Station Hu Cheng Cheng Wenxiang Deng Sidong No.7 Detachment No.2 Hydropower Force of Armed Police Yingtan Jiangxi 335000 China) Abstract:The spillway hole project of Chahanwusu Hydroelectric Power Station need to be constructed in winter for safety spending flood.Combined with the engineering practice a series of measures adopted to ensure concrete quality in winter construction are introduced including adjusting concrete mix proportion increasing cement amount raising construction material temperature making insulation of concrete stirring and pumping equipment and so on.The increase fee for winter concrete construction is piled according to calculation rules of quota and cost plus pensation.The results show that the construction cost is reduced the construction time and construction quality are ensured and good social and economic benefits are obtained. Key words:hydroelectrie power stations;concrete;winter construction;quota 1工程概况及坝址气象特征 2溢洪洞工程冬期施工方案 察汗乌苏水电站工程位于新维吾尔自治区 因察汗乌苏水...