施工技术 2012年4月上 10 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第362期 旋喷锚桩在软土地区超大深基坑中的应用 周予启,刘卫未,刘芳 (中建一局集团建设发展有限公司,北京100102) [摘要]天津嘉里中心基坑开挖深度17m 周边环境复杂(津滨轻轨地铁距离基坑30m).为满足项目开发进度需 要,采用旋喷错桩施工技术替代原设计中心岛法边撑.利用旋喷和搅拌工艺在软土地区中形成大直径错固桩体, 达到增加错固体抗拔力的效果,并可以有效地改良土体,提高土体自身抗剪强度.通过数值模拟手段,制定了施工 工艺参数和完善施工流程.施工监测结果表明,旋喷铺桩技术的应用保证了地铁隧道的变形安全,成功解决了错 固技术在软土地区难以适用的难题. [关键词]地下工程;深基坑;旋喷错桩;软土;数值模拟;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)07-0010-04 Application of Rotary Churning Pile Construction Technology for Super Large Deep Foundation Excavation in Soft Soil Area Zhou Yuqi Liu Weiwei Liu Fang China Construction First Division Group Construction Development Co.Lad.Beijing 100102 China) Abstract:In foundation excavation of Tianjin Kerry Center the depth is 17m.Its surrounding environment is plex with a distance of 30m to Jinbin Light Rail.To meet the needs of project development central-island method is replaced by rotary churning pile construction technology.The large-diameter anchor piles with process of rotating and mixing in the soft soil effectively increase the anti-pull strength of anchorage body and improve the shear strength of soil.By means of numerical simulation the construction parameters are formulated and the construction process is improved. Construction monitoring results show that the application of rotary churning pile ensures the safety of subway tunnel successfully solves the problem that anchoring technology is difficult to apply in the soft soil and provides a reference for design and...