2015年2月下 施工技术 第44卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 45 D0I:10.7672/sjs2015040045 旋转移位工程中弧形轨道内力有限元分析* 吴二军,郭现收 (河海大学土木与交通学院,江苏南京210098) [摘要]建筑物整体旋转移位工程中的弧形轨道是处于压力、弯矩、剪力和扭矩共同作用下的复合受力构件,其内 力分析和设计尚无成熟的方法.结合福建濠景大厦旋转移位工程,采用有限元分析软件ANSYS建立弧形轨道模 型,分析了竖向荷载大小、轨道半径、竖向荷载作用位置偏差、水平力方向偏差等因素对弧形轨道内力的影响,对弧 形轨道的设计和旋转移位工程的施工提出了几点建议,为轨道合理设计和施工提供参考. [关键词]旋转移位;弧形轨道;有限元分析;内力分析 [中图分类号]TU312 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)04-0045-04 Finite Element Analysis of Curved Track in Rotation Transportation Project Wu Erjun Guo Xianshou College of Civil and Transportation Engineering Hohai University Nanjing Jiangsu 210098 China) Abstract:Because curved track in horizontal rotation transportation project of the whole building is plex loading member under the effect of pressure bending moment shear force and torque there is no mature method for mechanical analysis and design.Combined with the twice rotation and transportation project of Haojing Building in Fujian province authors established curved track model by using the finite element analysis software ANSYS and analyzed the influence on the internal force of curved track by vertical load radius of track position deviation of the vertical load and direction deviation of the horizontal load.Based on the analysis several suggestions were put forward that can provide reference for reasonable design of curved track and construction of rotation transportation project. Key words:rotation transport;curved track;finite element analysis;internal force analysis 近年来,需要改变建筑物朝...