2015年9月下 施工技术 第44卷第18期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 19 D0I:10.7672/5j52015180019 无机发泡隔墙板的制备及性能研究 张玉,李珠,马钢 (太原理工大学建筑与土木工程学院,山西太原030024) [摘要]提出了满足规范要求的A级防火无机保温隔墙板材料制备方法.在发泡保温材料中掺加了含有增强、防 水、泡体调节等功能的复合改性成分,研究了不同改性成分与无机发泡隔墙板发泡量、导热、密度、力学性能以及吸 水率的关系,并对基体内部的传力途径进行优化,得到力学性能、传热性能都较为优良的配方. [关键词]建筑材料;隔墙;发泡;导热系数 [中图分类号]TU55 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2015)18-0019-04 Study on the Preparation and Properties of Inorganic Foam Insulation Wall Zhang Yu Li Zhu Ma Gang College of Architecture and Civil Engineering Taiyuan University of Technology Taiyuan Shanxi 030024 China) Abstract:This study proposes a preparation method of inorganic foam insulation wall board with grade A resistance rating which meet the specification requirements.By adding pound modified position with functions of additional strength waterproof and bubble adjustment in the inorganic foam insulation wall board its internal foree matrix way is optimized mechanical properties production and construction technology have been improved and the relationship between different pound modified ponents and properties of inorganic foam insulation wall board have studied such as foaming capacity thermal conductivity density mechanical properties and water absorption.And the remended usages of pound modified ponent are given. Key words:building materials;insulation wall;foaming;thermal conductivity 0引言 度砌体质量的五分之一,大大降低了结构造价,装 轻质节能墙材导热系数低,作内围护结构使用配式施工更加简单便捷. 时,具有以下优点:①不用辅助保温材料就能满足1试验 我国节能保温要求,且防火等级达到国家A级标1.1原材料技术要求 准.产品两面内贴高强纤...
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