施工技术 2013年7月上 24 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第42卷第13期 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013130024 无锚杆静压桩在某地基加固中的应用 郑育新 (四川建筑职业技术学院土木工程系,四川德阳618000) [摘要]无锚杆静压桩即压桩架下无需植错杆,而是将压桩架用穿墙螺栓紧固于墙体上,施工方便快捷,因不需要 植锚杆而工程成本相对较低,工期更短.该技术特别适用于多层砖混结构建筑中的砖砌大放脚基础,因砖砌大放 脚基础往往不具备埋设错杆和安装锚杆静压桩压桩架的条件.由于本技术压桩架紧固于墙体上,稳固性强,利用 卡在压桩架上的滑动桩帽与基础垫层中的压桩孔,易于控制桩的垂直度,使静压桩在含卵石的土层中也易于压桩 加固施工. [关键词]地基;无错杆静压桩;加固;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)13-0024-03 Application of Pressed Pile Without Anchor Rod in Some Foundation Reinforcement Engineering Zheng Yuxin (Department of Civil Engineering Sichuan College of Architectural Technology Deyang Sichuan 618000 China) Abstract:A pressed pile without anchor rod indicates the pile-driving frame doesn't need an anchor rod and the frame is fixed into the wall with through-wall bolts which means convenient construction as well as relatively low cost and a short time.The technology is particularly applicable for use in brick spread footings in multi-storey brick-concrete structures where the embedding of anchor rods and the installation of a pile-driving frame for pressed pile by anchor rod is not practical.The pile-driving frame is fixed firmly in the wall and the perpendicularity of pile can be easily controlled by virtue of the sliding pile cap on the pile-driving frame and the pile-driving hole in the foundation bed thus facilitating the reinforcement of pressed piles in soil layers with pebbles. Key words:foundations;pressed pile without anchor rod;reinforcement;construction 1工程概况...
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