施工技术 2011年5月下 98 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第341期 桩头破除的绿色施工技术 严建峰 (中铁建工集团国际工程公司,北京100070) 【摘要]国内传统的桩头采用人工使用风镐的方法破除,施工期间噪声、振动和粉尘比较大,操作人员的劳动强度 高.同时,破除后的桩头部位容易产生微裂缝,桩头表面也不平整,施工速度慢.主要介绍了目前欧洲桩头破除时 采用的两种绿色施工技术:机械挤压破碎法和整体截除法.重点述了整体截除法之一的Recepieux法的施工工 艺.对整体截除法的综合效益进行分析,并提出了在我国的有关实施建议. [关键词]桩头破除;绿色饰工技术;机械挤压破碎法;整体截除法;综合效益 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)09-0098-03 Green Construction Technology of Pile Head Demolishing Yan Jianfeng (China Railway Construction Group International Engineering Company Bejing 100070 China) Abstract:The traditional pile head demolishing method is manual demolishing method with pneumatic pick in China.This method can cause high noise vibration dust and high labor intensity during construction.The demolished pile head is easy to crack the surface of pile head is uneven and construction speed is slow.In this article the author mainly shows two green construction technologies of pile head demolishing:pile breaking by equipment method and integrated pile cutting methods which are applied in Europe.Author describes the construction technology of Recepieux method in detail which is one of integrated pile cutting methods analyzes synthetically benefits of integrated pile cutting methods and also puts forward propositional requirements of implementation in China. Key words:pile head demolishing:green construction technology pile breaking by equipment method; integrated pile cutting method;synthetically benefit 目前,国内混凝土灌注桩桩头破除施工普遍采灌高度比规范要求还要高的情况. 用人工使用...
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