施工技术 2017年7月上 54 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第13期 D0I:10.7672/8js2017130054 桩锚支护深基坑开挖引起紧邻建筑物变形特征分析 李钢,黄波 (信阳职业技术学院建筑工程学院,河南信阳464000) [摘要]依托工程实例,探讨桩错支护深基坑开挖对紧邻建筑物变形影响.建立深基坑支护体系与紧邻建筑物三 维计算模型,分析深基坑开挖引起紧邻建筑物变形特征.由分析结果可知:基坑开挖对紧邻建筑物的变形影响,竖 向沉降大于水平位移,且接近2倍的关系.主要影响敏感因素有建筑物与基坑距离、建筑物外荷载.对于地下建 筑物,基坑深度为总深度的1/3时,水平位移变形速率大于竖向沉降,随着基坑开挖深度增加,水平位移变形速率 小于竖向沉降,且水平位移趋于稳定,竖向沉降变形趋势加大. [关键词]深基坑;支护;桩错支护;数值模拟;变形 [中图分类号]TU463 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2017)13-0054-04 Study on Deformation Characteristics of Buildings Adjacent to Foundation Excavation Braced by Anchor-pile Retaining Structure LI Gang HUANG Bo (School of Civil Engineering and Architecture Xinyang Vocational Technical College Xinyang He'nan 464000 China) Abstract:Based on a specific engineering practice this paper studied on the deformation characteristics of buildings adjacent to the foundation excavation braced by anchor-pile retaining structure.3D model was built to analyze deformations of adjacent buildings.The results show that the vertical settlement was twice as large as the horizontal displacement major influence factors include built-loadings and distance between buildings and foundation excavation.Near the one-third of the total foundation exeavation depth rate of horizontal deformation was larger than vertical deformation along with the excavation rate of horizontal deformation was lessening and tending towards stability while vertical deformation increasing. Key words:deep foundation excavation;supports;anchor pile support;sim...
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