2010年7月 施工技术 第39卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 7 武汉火车站多管相贯节点试验研究 刘曙1,王辉2,刘家华1,蒋官业1 (1.中建钢构有限公司,广东深圳518040;2.中建三局建设工程股份有限公司总承包公司,湖北武汉430064) [摘要]武汉火车站屋面结构采用正交正放的网壳结构,节点大多采用相贯节点,相贯节点的支管数目最多达8 个,而且个别节点的主管与支管,支管与支管夹角较小,这些特点使节点区的焊接焊缝重叠较多,影响了节点的强 度.通过多管相贯节点的单平面加载试验和有限元分析,证明多管相贯节点具有良好的工作性能:相贯节点在特 定的加载方式下是安全的,并具有一定的安全储备. [关键词]武汉火车站;节点;相贯节点;试验 [中图分类号]TU39.04 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)07-0007-03 Experiment Study on Multi-tube Intersection Joint of Wuhan Railway Station Liu Shu' Wang Hui2 Liu Jiahua' Jiang Guanye' (1.China Construction Steel Structure Co. Lad.Shenzhen Guangdong 518040 China; 2.General Contraction Company可f CCTEB Wuhan Hubei430064 China) Abstract:Roof structure of Wuhan Railway Station adopts orthogonal spatial latticed shells structure with multi-tube intersection joints of which the maximum quantity of branch pipe is eight.Some joints have little angle between main pipe and branch pipe or between branch pipes.So there are many overlapping wielding in joint region which influence on joint's strengthen.Plane load experiment of multi-tube intersection joint and finite element analysis prove that multi-tube intersection joint has fine workability and it is safe under special loading mode and has more safety. Key words:Wuhan Railway Station;joint;multi-tube intersection joint;experiment 近年来国内外的一些公共建筑中大量应用多管相节点区的焊接焊缝重叠较多,影响了节点的强度.本 贯节点.相贯节点是由多根杆件汇交形成的三维空间文通过8个钢管相贯节点的理论和试验分析,证明该 结构,应力分布十分复杂.对相贯节点进行的最早研节点满足设计要求. 究是1948年由原西德实施的钢管节点极限强度试验.2试验内容 文献[6]利用非线性有限元法对K形、T形、Y形方主 多管相贯节...