施工技术 2016年6月上 88 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第11期 D0I:10.7672/8js201611088 武汉绿地中心大直径嵌岩桩施工技术 易万元1,龚艳霞,彭杰,王震2,李家洪2 (1.湖北省城市地质工程院,湖北武汉430072;2.中建三局第二建设工程有限责任公司,湖北武汉430073) [摘要]结合武汉绿地中心桩基工程具有桩径大、钻孔深、嵌岩深等特点,采用旋挖冲击反循环接力的施工工艺, 充分发挥各钻机的优势,提高了嵌岩施工效率;并对岩层钻进过程中的泥浆性能进行了分析调配,确定最佳钻进效 率时的泥浆密度、黏度.施工结果表明,桩的施工质量满足要求,效果明显. [关键词]高层建筑;桩;嵌岩桩;泥浆调配;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU473.1*1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)11-0088-03 Construction Technology of Rock-socketed Piles with Big Diameter for Wuhan Greenland Center Yi Wanyuan' Gong Yanxia' Peng Jie' Wang Zhen2 Li Jiahong? (1.Hubei Institute of Urban Geological Engineering Wuhan Hubei 430072 China; 2.The Second Construction Co.Lid.of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Wuhan Hubei 430073 China) Abstract:The rotary digging and pounding back cycling relay construction technology has been applied in piles engineering of Wuhan Greenland Center to develop the advantages of the various drilling machines and improve the rock-socketed pile construction productivity based on the characteristics of big diameter deep drilling and deep rock-socketed of the piles.The mud characteristics in the drilling process in the rock are analyzed and allocated to ascertain the optimal mud specific weight and viscosity.The construction results show that the pile construction quality meets the requirement and the productivity is improved obviously. Key words:tall buildings piles;rock-socketed piles;mud allocation;construction 1工程概况 及特征自上而下分述如下:(1)杂填土、(2-1)粉质 武汉绿地国际金融城A01地块位于武昌滨江黏土...
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