施工技术 2016年5月下 120 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第10期 D0I:10.7672/8js2016100120 淤泥质黏土基坑支护纤维袋注浆扩体 预应力锚杆研究* 冯玉国 (山东正元建设工程有限责任公司,山东济南250101) [摘要]针对现有扩体错杆的不足,从实用性和经济性两方面考虑,将具有透气、透水性能的纤维袋应用于淤泥质 软土基坑支护错杆注浆,研究开发了一种纤维袋注浆扩体预应力错杆.通过现场工艺性试验和抗拔试验,分析了 影响该锚杆抗拔承载力的原因,并据此采取措施进行改进,达到了锚杆极限抗拔承载力800~1000kN的设计要求. 研究结果表明:纤维袋注浆扩体预应力锚杆能够大幅度提高淤泥质黏土基坑支护锚杆抗拔承载力,是一种经济、实 用的注浆扩体错杆. [关键词]淤泥质黏土;基坑:支护;注浆扩体;预应力;错杆 [中图分类号]TU753.1;TU942 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)10-0120-04 Study on Underreamed Grouting Prestressed Anchor with Fabric Bag in Silty Clay Foundation Excavation Supporting Feng Yuguo (Shandong Zhengyuan Construction Engineering Co. Lud. Ji’nan Shandong250101 China) Abstract:In view of the inadequacies of existing underreamed anchor considering the practicality and economy the fabric bags with air permeability and water permeability is used in grouting for silty clay foundation excavation supporting with anchor an underreamed grouting prestressed anchor with fabric bag suitable for excavation of silty clay is developed.The reasons affecting the anchor pull out capacity are analyzed through on site processing test and pull out testing and take appropriate countermeasures to improve the anchoring limit capacity can be reached to 800 ~1 000kN.The research results show that: underreamed grouting prestressed anchor with fabric bag can greatly improve the anti pulling capacity of the foundation excavation supporting and it is a kind of economical and practical grouting anchor. Key words:silty clay foundati...
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