施工技术 2012年12月下 46 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOCY 第41卷第379期 湘电重型装备装配厂房复合地基加固技术 牛建东1,王博1,谭旭亮2,罗蓉2 (1.中南大学土木工程学院,湖南长沙410075;2.湖南恒盾岩土工程注浆科技有限公司,湖南长沙410002) [摘要]通过对湘电重型装备装配厂房地基承载力不足原因的分析,采用双液注浆结合搅拌桩形成复合地基的方 法对软弱地基进行处理,结合工程实际介绍了设计要点、施工工艺并对加固效果做了检验,证明复合地基承载力满 足设计要求,加固效果明显. [关键词]地基处理:双液注浆;搅拌桩;复合地基;基础加固;承载力 [中图分类号]TU472 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)24-0046-03 Composite Foundation Reinforcement for the Xiang Electricity Heavy Equipment Assembly Workshop Niu Jiandong' Wang Bo' Tan Xuliang2 Luo Rong2 (1.School of Civil Engineering Central South University Changsha Hu'nan 410075 China; 2.Hengdun Geotechnical Engineering Grouting Technology Co. Ltd.of Hu'nan Changsha Hu'nan 410002 China) Abstract:By analyzing to the reasons that caused the insufficient bearing capacity of the foundation in the Xiang Electricity Heavy Equipment assembly workshop this paper develop a method to strengthen the weak foundation by forming posite foundations using cement-silicate grouting and mixing pile. Considering the real situation of the project this paper introduces the key points of the design construction technology.Test to the performance of the reinforcement shows that the posite foundation's bearing capacity can meet the design requirement and the effect of reinforeement is outstanding. Key words:foundation treatment;cement-silicate grouting;mixing pile;posite foundation; foundation reinforcement;bearing capacity 随着我国工程活动的日益频繁,在工程中面临布不均匀,杂填土分布范围广,埋深从 的地基处理问题也越来越复杂.地基土的分层性、7.0m不等;③杂填土种类多,有炉渣、...
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