施工技术 2016年12月上 10 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第45卷第23期 D0I:10.7672/sjs2016230010 狭小场地内大管径超长溜管单侧浇筑深基坑 超大底板施工技术 周建波,黄爽,潘春龙,赵有平 (中建三局集团有限公司东北分公司,辽宁沈阳110000) [摘要]沈阳宝能环球金融中心项目T1塔楼为在建东北第一高楼,整个底板一次性浇筑混凝土量为3.6万m3 而 且浇筑过程中能利用场地仅有单侧的2000m2 施工过程中协调难度很大,为最快完成混凝土浇筑,项目部提前策 划,编制专项施工方案.最终经过153h的连续浇筑,一次性完成3.6万m3的混凝土浇筑.施工过程中采用4组溜 管,溜管管径406mm 单组溜管长73m 浇筑过程中单根溜管浇筑速度达到180m3/h 创造了新的浇筑速度纪录. [关键词]高层建筑;基坑;大底板;溜管;浇筑速度;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A[文章编号]1002-8498(2016)23-0010-04 Construction Technology of Massive Concrete Base Plate Pouring in Ultra-deep Foundation Excavation by Super-large Diameter and Super-long Articulated Chute on One Side in Narrow Space Zhou Jianbo Huang Shuang Pan Chunlong Zhao Youping Northeast Branch of China Construction Third Engineering Group Co.Lad. Shenyang Liaoning 110000 China) Abstract:The Tower I of Shenyang Baoneng Global Financial Center which is in construction will be the tallest building in the northeast of China whose entire volume of concrete is 36 000m which should be poured continuously with unilateral place of 2 000m2.To acplish the task in the shortest time the project department plans in advance drawing up special construction scheme.Ultimately after 153 hours of continuous pouring 36 000m concrete is poured successfully.Four sets of articulated chute whose diameter is 406mm and the length is 73m are utilized.The pouring speed is up to 180m/h which creates a new pouring record. Key words:tall buildings;foundation excavation;massive base plate;articulated chut...
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