2013年9月下 施工技术 第42卷第18期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 81 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013180081 现浇无梁空心楼盖结构性能分析 曲成平,杨润峰,黄翠翠,杨苏春 (青岛理工大学土木工程学院,山东青岛266033) [摘要]现浇无梁空心楼盖是一种新型楼盖,具有层高低,空间自由灵活等特点,为深入研究现浇无梁空心楼盖的 技术指标,对比无梁空心楼盖和传统主次梁楼盖的差异,以计算模拟为基础对无梁空心楼盖技术性能进行分析,主 要分析现浇无梁空心楼盖与主次梁楼盖平面刚度及材料用量的区别,这对实际工程中无梁楼盖的设计具有一定的 指导作用. [关键词]空心楼盖;平面刚度;材料用量;结构;性能 [中图分类号]TU755 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)10-0081-02 Structure Performance Analysis of Cast-in-place Flat Hollow Slab Qu Chengping Yang Runfeng Huang Cuicui Yang Suchun School of Civil Engineering Qingdao Technological University Qingdao Shandong 266033 China) Abstract:Cast-in-place flat hollow slab is a new kind of floor system which can decrease the floor thickness and allow flexible space arrangement.To investigate in-depth the technical indexes of cast-in- place flat slabs a parison was made between flat slab system and traditional primary and secondary beam floor system.Based on puter simulations the technical performance of flat slabs were analyzed specifically cast-in-place flat slab floor system and primary and secondary beam floor system were pared with respect to their plane stiffness and self weight.This work gives a guidance to the design of flat hollow slabs in engineering projects. Key words:hollow floor;plane stiffness;materials consumption;structures;performance 1结构形式 板计算;当长边与短边长度之比≥3时,应按单向板 1.1现浇无梁空心楼盖形式 计算.相对于无梁空心楼盖主次梁结构梁板厚度 现浇无梁空心楼盖是用轻质材料(内核模具) 差距较大,且梁板均为实心. 以一定规则排列并替代实心楼盖一部分混凝土而 1.3楼盖对建筑结构的作用 形成空腔或者轻质夹心楼板结构,从而形成传力明 对于建筑结构而言,楼盖主要有3个功能...
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