2016年11月上 施工技术 第45卷第21期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 103 D0I:10.7672/5gj52016210103 珠海某基坑施工监测结果分析及处理措施 顾刚1,牛犇2 (1.中交珠海域际轨道交通投资建设有限公司,广东珠海519000;2.中交四航工程研究院有限公司, 广东广州510230) [摘要]在基坑施工进程中,由于设计、施工工艺本身及周边环境因素的影响,基坑开挖存在不确定因素.这些因 素只有通过施工监测才能反映出来.在珠海某工程基坑开挖过程中,测斜数据出现报警,反映基坑顶部不断向内 收缩.通过计算分析,指出钢支撑预加力不足是导致地下连续墙水平位移的关键因素,并针对此具体问题提出了 处理措施.经方案实施,基坑工况达到稳定,基坑施工可以继续开展. [关键词]基坑;施工;监测;水平位移;处理措施 [中图分类号]TU753 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)21-0103-04 Construction Monitoring Results Analysis and Treatment Measures of a Foundation Excavation in Zhuhai Gu Gang' Niu Ben2 (1.CCCC Zhuhai Intercity Railway Inrestment Construction Co.Lid.Zhuhai Guangdong 519000 China; 2.CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Institute Co.Ltd.Guangzhou Guangdong 510230 China) Abstract:According to some factors about the foundation excavation design construction technique and the constructing site environment many uncertain factors exist during the excavation of the foundation. Construction monitoring is the only way to show these factors up.During the excavation of some foundation in the construction of some project one inclinometer tube alarms continuously which shows the top of the foundation excavation is constricting.A calculation analysis of the relation between axis force and concrete diaphragm wall is executed by the calculating software.After the calculation lack of the pre-added steel support force is considered to be the key factors.Based on the consideration of the excavation method and strength of the concrete diaphragm wa...
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