2012年12月下 施工技术 第41卷第379期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 79 真空-注气降水一维模型试验研究 黄峰,王贵和,杨宇友,刘晨,宫大辉 (中国地质大学(北京)工程技术学院,北京100083) [摘要]在传统真空降水方法基础上增加注气加压措施,提高水力梯度,形成更多微裂隙为地下水流动提供更多流 通通道,加快土体排水速度,具有很好的工程意义.目前,真空注气降水方法在岩土工程中的应用鲜见报道,主要 是因为对真空注气降水的作用机理和工法研究不够成熟.文章通过真空注气一维降水模型试验,探讨真空注气 降水工法在一维模型情况下的作用规律和效果,为研究真空注气降水的机理提供参考. [关键词]桩基工程;真空降水;真空注气;水力梯度;渗流;一维模型 [中图分类号]TU411.3;TU685.13 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)24-0079-04 Experimental Study of One-dimensional Vacuum-air Injection Dewatering Model Huang Feng Wang Guihe Yang Yuyou Liu Chen Gong Dahui (School of Engineering and Technology China University of Geosciences(Beijing) Beijing 100083 China) Abstract:Applying air injection to traditional vacuum dewatering method can increase the hydraulic gradient generate more micro-cracks in the soil provide more passages for underground water thus increase the dewatering speed.It is of great meanings to engineering practice but was rarely reported in geotechnical engineering because research to the mechanism of the vacuum-air injection dewatering method is not mature.This article built a one-dimensional vacuum-air injection dewatering model to investigate its working mechanism and dewatering effect.The research result provided references to the study of the mechanism of vacuum-air injection dewatering method. Key words:piles;vacuum dewatering;vacuum-air injection;hydraulic gradient;seepage;one- dimensional model 地下工程施工过程中,经常会遇到地下水的处中(,都取得了较好的效果.但是由于在施工过 理问题,地下水如果处理不当很可能会在施工过程 程中真空系统的部分开放性以及负压在土层中传 中发生流砂、管涌、...