施工技术 2012年11月上 62 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第41卷第376期 砖混结构外套框架增层抗震性能研究 林爱洁,岳庆霞2,张鑫2 (1.山东建筑大学土木工程学院,山东济南250101;2.山东建筑大学工程鉴定加固研究所,山东济南250014) [摘要]首先对转换结构应用到外套增层改造中的发展概况进行总结,并针对实际工程对一种新型“加腋墙”转换 结构的使用进行了讨论;其次应用SAP2000对该工程建立有限元模型,对整体外套增层结构和原砖混结构进行分 析.增层前后对比分析结果表明,整体外套增层改造使原结构的层间位移角、层间剪力等都有明显增大,应进行必 要的抗震加固,以保证整体结构的抗震性能.另外,使用“加腋墙”转换结构的外套增层结构刚度比较均匀,有利于 结构的整体抗震性能. [关键词]改造;外套框架增层;有限元分析;抗震性能 [中图分类号]TU746.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)21-0062-04 Seismic Study of Existing Masonry Structure on Extension- storey-adding Renovations Lin Aijie' Yue Qingxia2 Zhang Xin2 (1.School of Civil Engineering Shandong Jianzhu University Ji'nan Shandong 250101 China; 2.Research Institute of Engineering and Repair Shandong Jianzhu University Ji'nan Shandong 250014 China) Abstract:Firstly the development of transfer structures applying to extension-story-adding buildings is summarized and in connection with the actual project a new type of axillary-adding wall transfer structure is discussed.Secondly the SAP2000 is used to research the dynamic behavior of this structural system and analysis of the extension-storey-adding building and existing masonry structure are conducted.The results of parison indicate that the lateral displacement and drift angle have a significant growth after extension story adding so the necessary seismic strengthening measures are needed to ensure the overall seismic behavior.In addition the transfer structure used in practical project is good at the seismic behavior of the whol...
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