2011年11月下 施工技术 第40卷第353期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 41 自制墙体钢木结合大模板的设计与应用 石元,王静2 (1.中国新兴建设开发总公司三公司,北京100039;2.华北水利水电学院土木与交通学院,河南郑州450011) [摘要]结合新疆石油管理局生产调度指挥中心工程具体情况及当地施工特点,剪力墙模板施工采用现场自制钢 木结合大模板.针对工程施工难点,介绍了型钢龙骨加工方法、对拉大螺栓加工关键技术以及阴、阳角模板加工要 点,并对大模板拼接处及阳角处加固提出合理有效的技术措施.结果表明,剪力墙基本达到清水混凝土的外观效 果,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益. [关键词]混凝土;模板;型钢龙骨;竹胶板;模板加固 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)22-0041-03 Design and Application of Self-made Big Wall Formwork with the Steel and Wooden Components Shi Yuan' Wang Jing2 (1.The Third Branch of China Xinxing Construction Development General Co.Beijing 100039 China; 2.Civil and Traffic College of North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power Zhengzhou He'nan 450011 China) Abstract:Based on the conditions and construction characteristics of Production Scheduling Control Center of Xinjiang Petroleum Administrative Bureau the self-made big wall formwork with the steel and wooden ponents is adopted in shear wall construction.In view of the construction difficulties the processing method of steel keel key technology of big tensional bolts and processing difficulties of positive formwork are introduced.The reasonable and effective measures for formwork strengthening at splice and positive corner are put forward.The result shows that the effect of fair-faced concrete is achieved basically and good economic benefit and social benefit are obtained. Key words:concrete;formwork;steel keel;bamboo plywood;formwork reinforcement 1工程概况 2工程重点及难点 新疆石油管理局...
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