2012年4月上 施工技术 第41卷第362期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 63 载体桩设计施工中承载力影响因素的研究分析 高春荣,杨启安2,齐雪妍 (1 唐山市规划建筑设计研究院,河北唐山063000; 2.北京中建建筑科学研究院有限公司,北京100076) [摘要]载体桩施工中如果设计参数和施工环节控制不当,容易造成柱身和载体的结合不良,从而影响载体柱的单 桩承载力.结合工程实际,从持力层和被加固土层的选择、柱间距的确定、建筑垃圾填料和干硬性混凝土体积的确 定等方面进行了分析,在设计环节确保载体桩的质量;施工中锤出护筒的距离、施工顺序选择、护筒位置的变化将 直接影响载体柱的施工质量,分析了各环节对载体桩承载力的影响. [关键词]地下工程;桩基础;载体桩持力层;被加固土层;承载力 [中图分类号]TU753.3 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2012)07-0063-04 Research and Analysis on Influence Factors of Bearing Capacity of Pile with Bearing Base in Design and Construction Gao Chunrong' Yang Qi'an2 Qi Xueyan (1.Tangshan City Planning and Architecture Design Research Institute Tangshan Hebei 063000 China: 2.Beijing Building Research Institute Co.Ltd.of CSCEC Beijing 100076 China) Abstract:Improper of design parameters and construction process control may lead to the connection between pile and bearing base would not be well and affect the bearing capacity of the pile.The factors affect the bearing capacity are discussed bining with the engineering practice.The main process in design including the selection of strengthened soil stratum and bearing stratum the decision of pile spacing the volume of filling materials and stiff concrete are introduced and analyzed to ensure the quality of the piles with bearing base.The depth of hammer out of the steel tube construction order position changing of the steel tube would affect the quality of the construction directly and the key link to affect the bearing capacity in construction ...
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