2016年7月下 施工技术 第45卷第14期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 117 D0I:10.7672/8js2016140117 郑州大学综合体育场异形钢管桁架钢屋盖施工技术 翟新芳 (郑州大学基建处,河南郑州450001) [摘要]郑州大学综合体育场钢屋盖呈月牙状造型,采用钢管桁架结构,结构形式独特,跨度较大,安装高度高,杆 件种类繁多,构件制作精度要求高,现场施工难度大.针对大跨度钢管桁架钢屋盖的结构特点及施工中存在的难 点,研究了先现场预拼装再吊装拼接的桁架施工技术,探讨了关键施工工艺. [关键词]钢结构;屋盖;安装;钢管桁架;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU758.11 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)14-0117-03 Construction Technology for Special-shaped Steel Tube Truss Roof of Zhengzhou University Sports Stadium Zhai Xinfang (Capital Construction Department Zhengzhou University Zhengzhou He'nan 450001 China) Abstract:The steel roof of Zhengzhou University Sports stadium presents crescent-shaped styling constructed with steel pipe truss structure.The structure form of the roof is unique the span is big the mounting height is high the variety of bars is wide the precision of ponent production is high and the site construction is difficult.In order to solve the construction difficulties of large-span steel truss roof the construction technology was adopted with the ponents first pre-assembled and then assembled.The key construction program was discussed.The construction of large-span steel truss roof was pleted successfully. Key words:steel structures;roofs;installation;steel tube truss;construction 1工程概况 郑州大学综合体育场占地面积31576.86m2 建筑面积10647.79m2(不含看台),赛场周围设12 个弧形看台,共设有18500个观众座席.该体育场 长轴沿子午线南北布置,平面为椭圆形,主体结构 采用现浇钢筋混凝土框架结构体系,地上2层,局部 4层,主看台设罩棚,罩棚采用外挑轻钢桁架结构, 上部采用骨架式膜结构形式,整个膜面呈月牙形. 图1综合体育场工程实景 Fig.1 Comprehensive stadium project 膜结构支撑在屋面桁架上,共有11...
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